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Galen Mizuguchi


Andrew  "Bibot"
Gotianun, Jr.


Danilo Antonio


Alfred Xerez-Burgos,Jr.

Galen Mizuguchi is a driven  koi

breeder in pursuit of  the lofty goal

of one day producing  an American

Grand Champion,

Decades of acquiring oyagoi  and perfecting his breeding techniques

have produced amazing winners in

recent shows. Inspired by Galen’s dedication to his craft, we reached 

and he has been sharing his

expertise, techniques and tosai koi

ever since .

Fine Mizuguchi Showas figure prominently in our competition entries and are available in our store


"Boss Bibot" is a gentleman tycoon, businessman, accomplished

marksman, nature lover,

philosopher, sportsman and bona

fide Koikichi. 

One of the first Nishikigoi collectors outside of Japan, he once said that

"Koi are like the people you meet in

life. Respect and nurture them and

they will pay you back with growth

and beauty in ways you wouldn't


Also known as the "White Wizard" for

his austere  outfits and constant smoking,  he would impart the habit

of focusing one's resources on purpose and knowledge  rather than flamboyance on anyone wiling to listen.

He is admired for his restless determination in his numerous pursuits, willingness to do hard work and his

ability to enjoy life while running an honest business.

Professor Antonio is the  inspiration


His entrepreneurial spirit is made

even more infectious  with his

optimistic attitude, perseverance,

analytic acumen and sense of


While anything seems possible

when he talks about it, he cautions

that the path to success is seldom

easy or direct. no matter how clearly

you can visualize it. 

He is quick to point out the the

numerous pitfalls that he himself

has experienced and is generous enough  to share what he learned.       An


We continue to be his eternal



While AXB constantly quoted that

real estate came down to  location, location and location, he would

develop and successfully market

projects in some of the WORST

locations on Earth.

The man is naturally gifted with something most MBA graduates

struggle to learn  - he is a branding

and marketing  genius.  Mundane projects that others have passed on

come alive, acquiring desirability

and exclusivity when he takes over.

Since AXB isn't much of a teacher,

we can  only learn from his previous projects, look at our products and

ask ourselves WWAXBD (What

would AXB do)?



Kent Andrew K


Tom Lai


Justin Lai

Kent is an up and coming Japanese/American  actor who hails from a family. of lifelong koi aficionados.

Although much younger,  he has schooled Kuya Ed with his encyclopedic knowledge of koi varieties and familiarity  with Japanese breeders.

He can be seen in Japanese and American shows when he takes time off from acting and martial arts.



Nobody can get into the koi hobby in Northern California without encountering the charismatic and friendly owner of Champion Nishikigoi.

Tom has built his startup from a small, backyard operation to the most patronized, and possibly the largest koi dealership in the USA,

Tom has been generous enough to provide us with little nuggets of knowledge from his extensive experience and unique insights into sourcing quality koi from Japan


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My koi journey started with Justin selecting Pizza for my first Showa at Champion Nishikigoi.

Almost all of my show winners were shown to Justin prior to acquisition and his record currently stands at 47 awards and prizes for Justin Lai-approved koi.

Not only did I learn to discern champion koi from hundreds of others swimming in a pond, Justin also reluctantly demonstrated shipping and care practices whenever I intruded into his numerous cigarette breaks.
, J


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