Lemon Hariwake
Essentially a metallic,
scaled Kohaku, this
coloured koi (platinum
and gold or metallic
lemon) was rare a decade
ago. Tosai are best
chosen for their light
yellow patterns as the the
colors tend to intensify with
age becoming more
orange than gold and losing
their metallic qualities.
Lighter lemon or gold
coloring also seem to
last longer.
Often confused with the
Hariwake, this two color,
platinum and gold variety
is a Doitsu -- scale less/
irregular scale koi. .
Some Kikusui have Kohaku
like patterns but most have
long, lengthwise gold
markings on both sides
(racing stripes) of the body
instead of the stepped Kohaku
Kin Shiro Utsuri
This is a rare metallic variety
of the Shiro Utsuri. By crossing
Showas or Utsuris with Platinum
Ogons, breeders were able to
replace the white background
with platinum and the black
patterns with black or the rarer
solid pewter or gunmetal colors.
Platinum Utsuris are rarer than
Kin Showas and the since Ogon
traits usually win over Utsuri ones,
typical Kin Shiros have dispersed,
poorly defined and muted
black patterns. Desirable
ones have clear, distinct Utsuri
A metallic, patterned koi with
reticulation. Pattern plates
range from gold to metallic
red while the background is
platinum. Depending on
the degree of reticulation,
the background can appear
in a ranges of shades from
silver to gunmetal.